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Monte Morris Discusses Signing With the Phoenix Suns

Monte Morris, a well-known NBA player, has played for multiple teams throughout his career as a point-guard. Morris has played for the Minnesota Timberwolves, Detroit Pistons, Washington Wizards, and Denver Nuggets.

Lately, the NBA world has been buzzing with excitement as Monte Morris is joining the Phoenix Suns as a free agent from the Minnesota Timberwolves. He spoke to the media Tuesday afternoon about the process of joining the Suns, his defensive abilities on court, and his responisbility as a point-guard to the Suns.

Joining The Phoneix Suns was Morris’s best opportunity

One of the questions the press asked Morris was on the free agency process and how he ultimately joined the Phoenix Suns.

Morris responded saying how, “I got good agents around me and those guys let me know about opportunities out there it was good communication but I think Phoenix Suns was a great chance in terms of opportunity to compete and get a championship.”

Responsibilities that come with playing with the Suns

Another questions from the media was what Morris believes are his biggest responsibilities as a point guard playing for the Phoenix Suns.

Morris responded saying how, “It’s coming to work everyday and pushing myself, especially in the summertime to be in the best spot possible, and as a point-guard, to just be in the spots to support the guys, and be adaptable to the team I’m playing against, and also to know who I’m talking to and speak differently to the person I’m talking with.” 

Defensive capabilities, a untalked skill of Monte Morris

The last question the media asked Morris was on the defensive end that with the Minnesota timberwolves he took his defensive end positioning and work really seriously, so if he feels that’s a part of his game that goes unnoticed.

Morris replied saying how, “I feel like coming into a situation like I did with Minessota I didn’t want to be a weak link because they’re the number one in defense, so I think me putting on some muscle and working hard made my defense even better, so I hope to do even better with the Suns.”

What’s up next for Monte Morris and the Phoenix Suns?

Monte Morris and the Phoenix Suns will now look towards the NBA Summer League and pre-season ahead of the NBA 2024-2025 season set to start in October.

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